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Innovation and Solution


  • E-DEFROZER  High Voltage Electrostatic Field Thawing: A Non-thermal defrosting method which use the characteristic of electrostatic field for defrost and preserve food which is difference from other method that use electrical as a power source to generate the heat. An important point is that our method significantly improves the consistency, less gap imbalance, preservation, energy saving, water saving, better hygiene food, cleanliness and food safety, and chemical saving will benefit you.

    We value what makes you different.
    1. Consistency: The BBT's range after thawing is less than 3 degrees. 
    2. Less gap: The different between BBT and surface temperature of each fish is less  than 4 degrees.
    3. Preserve: The BBT will hold until cut off the electricity. (max. 8 hrs).
    4. Save energy: The electrical consumption is only 100 VA (80 watt) good for  4 tanks (approx. 2,500 – 3,000 Kgs.)
    5. Save Water: Use water only to cover the fish in the tank.
    6. Better Hygiene: No cross contamination and less blood at butchering area.
    7. Clean and Safe: Get dry area at Thawing area at all times.
    8. Save Chemical: Reduce Waste water treatment load. 

  • T-TRACKER Cloud-based real time temperature tracking: We have tried new worry-free solution about temperature tracking with cloud based data management and data retrieval from anywhere, anytime and any device. You can also set an alarm or receive notification message according to temperature fish thawing and cooking temperature. Our solution can be applied to perform any multiple tasks.

  • F-COOLER Temperature reduction system for cooling cooked fish: What matters here is that cooling cooked fish temperature should be proper before taking the meat or skin off. Currently, water spraying is applied as cooling cooked fish temperature method and typically expect the temperature dropped. It appeared that fish soaking in water and very sensitive to oxygen exposure. The longer cooling time results in fish quality deterioration in terms of color and texture. 

    With our temperature reduction system, you can control the temperature properly and water use efficiency. Our proven method states that fish absorbed as much brine or oil in the canning process. It takes an ideal choice to control fish weight and easier taking the meat or skin off. The resulting flakes tend to be thinner and increase the length of fish loin.

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